Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Lost and gone forever!

You should have seen her! Amazing! Walking through the house, passed someone i didn't know. But i have been in this house before so its not uncharted territory; so why do i feel out of place. I reach the kitchen and i am bombarded with the smell of some really great food. Then i see a familiar face greeting me with a smile and hug. Ah now it feels like home. Before i could even say hi, out the corner of my eye i saw her. Standing in the backyard talking to family and friends. I hadn't seen her look so beautiful, or was it just the light hitting her. She still hasn't seen me yet. Standing in the kitchen still watching her from the window, watching her move from person to person talking and smiling. The cutest thing i ever layed my eyes on. Deep breath and here i go, screen door opens and i take my first step down the steps to the backyard. Does she see me? Sweating and nervous, I stumble up to her. Hey there! Really is that all i could think to say. Yup! But believe it or not it worked, she threw her arms around me and my nerves went away. I could tell that she was waiting for me. Never have i ever felt that feeling again...... Little did i know it was going to be the last time i felt that.

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